
brown cattle

Matrix Myths We Discovered Were Total B.S.

In this episode, we talk about some of the things we thought we knew about parenting that we found out were total B.S. The point isn’t whether or not you agree, the point is that you think for yourself and make your own choices instead of allowing your life to be controlled by the opinions … Read more

mother hen, mom, chicken

When Dads Go to Work and Moms Stay Home

In this episode, we talk about the traditional roles of men going to work to provide and women staying home to raise children. What could life look like if that’s not how things were set up? If you have questions or comments, send them in! Music Credit: Our son Egan aka NEXTIME.

black and silver fountain pen

A Letter to My Kids

Dear Kids, I’m taking the time to write this to you today, years before there’s a chance that you’ll ever read it. One of my reasons for doing this is simply because I want to affirm some things that I see you doing and some of the ways you are being before you forget them. … Read more